Getting from Reykjavik to Vik
The journey from Reykjavik to Vik is an easy one – just a straight shot down route 1, the Ring Road, for about 165kms. With a rental car, this will take you about 3 hours, depending on the road conditions and how often you stop.
If you won’t be traveling with a rental car, your options are much more limited. You really only have two options – hire a private driver – or take the bus. The bus between Reykjavik and Vik takes 2.5 – 4 hours (longer in the Vik-Reykjavik direction). It takes longer in winter as well.
Price range depending on the season – ranging from 2600 to 5300 (about $20-$40) depending on the time of year.
Photo by ChrisGoldNY